Bruce Drago MMA

Fitting in the right fitness workout each day means choosing an exercise plan that fits your lifestyle. Life circumstances like kids, pregnancy, gender, and time management all affect how and when you can exercise. Thus far aerobic exercise has been thought by many to be little more than dancing to music in a gym environment. Perhaps this accounts for the reason why so many aerobics classes at the local gym are so sparsely attended by men.

MMA has devised an aerobic and anaerobic combination program that is exactly what men are looking for and what women need.  Perks of the program are its ability to be modified to meet all exerciser levels.  Women and men alike enjoy and benefit from its unique assembly and execution.

We don’t deny that fitness workout plans in most forms have benefits.  Anyone who has the daily motivation to enjoy and continue their program has already taken a step further than most.  MMA represents the next step.  Approaching weight loss with an aerobic and anaerobic fitness workout program proves to be the most effective for inches and pound dropping.

Bruce Drago and His Mixed Martial Arts Training Program

A mixed martial arts (MMA) training program called “Drago’s Hardcore MMA” was created by Bruce Drago.

Bruce Drago is the creator of a mixed martial arts (MMA) training program called “Drago’s Hardcore MMA.” The program is all about drills; that is, students are shown a wide variety of ways in which they can use and combine skills and techniques together to produce an overall extreme workout training session. These Hardcore MMA Drills can benefit: 1) people who want to get into the best shape of their life; 2) instructors who want to run an MMA program; 3) fighters who want to become the best they can be; 4) teens.

Bruce Drago designed this program in such a way that instructors who get into the program can teach it to their students once they’ve completed the program. The package is easy to follow and students receive emails on drills, skills, and classroom management monthly. It gives extreme results fast in a learning environment that is friendly, safe, exciting, and respectful. Bruce Drago MMA goal is simple: if it doesn’t work, he doesn’t use it.

Bruce Drago Workouts has been studying martial arts since he was five years old. He has multiple black belts in Korean and Japanese martial arts and is a member of the International Black Belt Hall of Fame.

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